If you’ve graduated from yoga teacher training, and you’ve decided to start a business as a yoga teacher, you might not think of yourself as a startup business or entrepreneur. You might not even have a clue what it takes to own, yet alone manage, a successful yoga startup.
However, if you have a service to launch and you’re looking to grow what you do, you sort of kind of are a startup or entrepreneur — or yogapreneur, soulpreneur, or wellnesspreneur — don’t you think?
In this article, I’m going to talk about some of the elements that make a yoga startup successful. These elements can help you think about your yoga business, and hopefully, help you grow it in a way that brings you success–or more of it.
Are you ready?
Let’s get into what makes a successful yoga start up business.
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What Does It Take to Make a New Yoga Business Successful
If you took a poll, and asked what makes a successful yoga business, chances are you’d get a bunch of different answers.
For sure, there is no guarantee of business success, even if you do everything by the book. However, there are several elements that are commonly mentioned as contributing to start-up success. These factors include:
1. Passion for the Business Idea.
Building a business takes a lot of time, effort, energy–maybe even sweat and tears. A start-up business is a labor of love. Accordingly, having passion and enthusiasm for your business idea is really important for success. If the idea doesn’t excite you, why are you doing it in the first place?
2. Unique Value Proposition.
Typically, a successful startup business solves a problem. As a yoga teacher, what problem are you solving? What sets you apart from your competitors? What attracts your customers? When you Thinking about value proposition, it might be helpful to think about your yoga niche, as well as market demand.
To learn more about establishing a yoga niche, you may want to read Discover an Ideal Yoga Niche That’s Right for You.
Steal my awesome FREE download, 50+ Yoga Business Niches for Yoga Teachers. *** GET IT HERE ***
3. Leadership.
A successful startup usually has strong, capable leadership. Nah, this doesn’t mean you have to be an extrovert or have extensive experience in business or with managing teams. However, it does mean that you’re willing to think like a leader and run your business like the yoga boss that you are!
As part of leadership, you’ll want to have a vision about your business, start learning about how to think strategically, and learn how to build a team (or hire consultants, even if part-time help on Fiverr) to help you accomplish your goals. If you’re struggling in this department, or dealing with challenges like imposter syndrome, don’t go it alone. You can always hire a business coach.
Want to know WHY you should hire a business coach? Here are 7 reasons why you should hire one.

4. Adaptability.
Being adaptable is essential in running a yoga business. If COVID showed us anything, it was how quickly yoga teachers had to adapt from the real world studio environment to launching businesses online. Being willing to seize opportunities, pivot quickly when change is needed, embrace new ideas, and launch new classes, products, and business ideas is critical to success.
5. Effective Marketing and Branding.
Yeah, truth be told, if you want to run a wildly successful yoga business, you’re going to have to ramp up your marketing efforts. You’re going to have to make your business brand stand out as a yoga teacher and get noticed.
HELPFUL PRO-TIP: My blog here, The Business of Yoga Stripped Down, offers tons of free content on developing your marketing strategy and to help you grow your brand. For example, on my yoga business blog, you can find:
- How to Choose Business Brand Colors
- Why You Need to Create and Grow a Yoga Business Mailing List
- Reasons Why You Should Use Pinterest
6. Partnerships.
As a yoga teacher wanting to build a business, it’s important not to neglect the value of partnerships. Partnerships can help you expand your reach and accelerate growth. For example, partnering with other yoga teachers on an Instagram LIVE can help you expand your reach, and connect with other people who love yoga that might not already follow you.
7. Never Give Up Attitude.
Attitude is everything. Launching and running a successful yoga startup means that you need an attitude of determination. Sure, it doesn’t mean that sometimes you’ll feel exhausting–or maybe like quitting. But overall, you’ve got to embrace the never give up attitude. You have to keep climbing hills and jumping over obstacles until you get to exactly where you want to be in your business.
Hey, Hey, Hey!
If this content was helpful, and you want more of it, please come follow me on Instagram. @NakedEarthYoga.
And… if you’re feeling totally inspired and feel like giving back, I LOVE coffee… and that’s what keeps me motivated to write content like this for you… so, if you’re in the mood, you can buy me a coffee here.
What do you think makes a successful yoga startup? Drop a comment below. I’d love to read your thoughts–and I know my readers will, too.