Beyond the Studio: 7 Creative Locations for Teaching Yoga

Non-Traditional and Inspiring Locations for Teaching Yoga

Source: Photo by Nate Johnston on Unsplash

There’s nothing like teaching in a beautiful and inviting yoga space, like an aesthetically pleasing yoga studio. However, if you want to shake up things up a bit and explore a different yoga venue, I have ideas for you.

This list features creative, non-traditional, unusual, and alternative venues and spaces for teaching yoga.

7 Creative and Non-Traditional Locations for Teaching Yoga

Yoga studios are only one place where you can teach yoga. There are so many possibilities that will entice your yoga students to come to class!

Here are just a few ideas:

1. Community Pavilions

Community pavilions in parks or community squares can be a lovely place to offer a yoga class, either as a regularly scheduled class or as a pop-up yoga class.

2. Rooftops

Rooftops can be a super cool location for holding a yoga class, particularly in urban areas or bustling cities.

3. Breweries or Wineries

As the craft brew trend expands and independent wineries pop up, hosting a yoga class at a brewery or winery is not only a cool location, but a way to bring together a yoga class of like-minded students, who share a passion for yoga and beverages.

4. Coworking Spaces

As coworking spaces tend to appear in more communities, conference room or shared community spaces could be your next location for a yoga class.

5. Hotels

Many hotels have conference rooms or spaces that are underused, or only used on weekends or for events. A hotel could be a great place to offer your next yoga class.

6. Beaches

Sunrise yoga on the beach, anyone? Yoga on the beach can be a breathtaking and relaxing experience. A beach could be a wonderful non-conventional yoga venue for a yoga class series.

7. Libraries

Imagine holding a yoga class at a beautiful library space. Libraries often have community rooms or dedicated gathering spaces that could be perfect for hosting a yoga class.


There are so many incredible places that you can use as locations for teaching yoga as studio alternatives for your yoga classes or as part of your yoga business.

In what unusual, creative, or unconventional venue have you hosted a yoga class?

Drop a comment below and share your inspiring yoga venue ideas.

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